Kyiv Infinity

Harder help Ukraine

Help the Ohmatdyt Children’s Hospital in Kyiv with the Kyiv Infinity +

Kyiv Infinity

Harder help Ukraine

Help the Ohmatdyt Children’s Hospital in Kyiv with the Kyiv Infinity +

Kyiv Infinity

Harder help Ukraine

Help the Ohmatdyt Children’s Hospital in Kyiv with the Kyiv Infinity +

Kyiv Infinity

Harder help Ukraine

Help the Ohmatdyt Children’s Hospital in Kyiv with the Kyiv Infinity +

Tested for


Colani – Synthesis of technique and ergonomic +

Blood Splash

Step 1

In order to demonstrate the Blood Splash stencil, let's start with the lettering "Bloody Airbrush".

Step 2

First I'll think about where to position the stencil. Then I'll spray an upwards running shadow onto the lower edge with diluted gray.

Step 3

Next I'll move the template a bit to the left, put it on top of the previous spraying result and add a bit of red. I'll leave a bit of space so that the effect will become more visible.

Step 4

I'll do the same with the other blood splash patterns on the Mylar sheet and I'll try to obtain a good distribution of splashes around the lettering. In the centre of each splash I'll spray the paint relatively thin. This makes the splashes look more realistic.

Step 5

With an eraser pencil I'll remove about 70 % of the color on the upper edge of each blood splash in order to indicate a slight reflection.

Step 6

Then, I'll remove it completely with an electric eraser, so that the reflection becomes even more powerful.

Step 7

For the last step, I'll use a black crayon on the lower edges of the blood splashes in order to soften the hard edges of the spraying a bit. This way, the splashes are visually connected with the surface and don't look like they're simply stuck on.

Step 8

Here you can see the finished blood splashes. Of course you can use the Blood Splash stencil not only for "blood", but for splashes of any kind and color.